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Like other document-management systems, the RichDoc framework contains a built-in facility for finding and replacing text. To find or replace text, use the Find / Replace command from the popup menu, or just press Ctrl-F
. A Find / Replace window appears, see obr. 10.1.
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Obr. 10.1 The Find / Replace Window |
The two fields at the top of the window allow you to select the text to find, and eventually the replacement text. Using the Scope field, you may select whether only the active part being edited should be searched or modified, or whether the operation should be performed on the whole document.
The Case Sensitive option determines whether the capitalization matters during the search. If checked, only words that exactly match to the search phrase are found, if unchecked, words that differ only in capitalization are also selected. The Whole Words option determines whether the search phrase may be matched only with whole word (separated by spaces or punctuation), or it may be matched with a part of a word. For instance, the search phrase ‘text’ is matched with the word ‘textual’ only if the Whole Words option is unchecked. The Stemming option, when checked, attempts to match words that are morphological inflections of the search phrase. For instance, if you are looking for ‘cat on the mat’, the phrases ‘cats on the mat’, ‘cat on the mats’, etc. are also matched, if the stemming option is enabled. Note that the stemming is only available if the Whole Words option is also enabled.
When search options are specified, you may press the Find button. After a while, the Results list is populated with the search results. The results are organized into two columns: the first column displays the name of section where the search phrase has been found, and the second column displays a fragment near the occurrence of the search phrase, with the search phrase highlighted. You may double-click a row in the list, to navigate to the corresponding place in the document.
To replace the occurrences of the search phrase, specify the replacement text in the Replace field, and press the Replace button instead of the Find button. The rules for matching the text are the same as described in sekce 10.1, but additionally, all matched texts are replaced with the specified replacement. The Results list this time summarizes the replacements that have been made, see example in obr. 10.2.
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Obr. 10.2 Replaced Text |
As you can see in the figure, the results of the replacement operation look similar to those of the find operation. Each row shows the text that has been matched and deleted, displayed in red color and stroked-through, as well as the text that has been inserted.
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