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8 Package toc

Element node

Specifies one node in the table of contents, corresponding to a section.

Parents: node

Attributes: id hasFile decoratedNumber localNumber locale show title(deprecated)

Content: title? node*

Attribute hasFile

Specifies whether the enclosing node corresponds to a section that has its own file, i.e. is the root section of certain document. If a node does not have hasFile set, it is interpreted as follows. If it has a node ancestor that has file, the node corresponds to a section within the ancestor's file. This scheme is used in XML multi-section serialization mode, see Figure 17a. If the node has not such ancestor, it is only used to provide a hierarchical structure for its children, such as in a SCORM course, where nodes corresponding to activities have no associated content.

Node with File
Node without File
[end of picture]

Figure 17 Different Node Structures: (a) Book with Chapters, (b) SCORM Course

Attribute decoratedNumber

Decorated number of corresponding section, that is, prefix of the title paragraph besides the user-supplied title.

Attribute localNumber

Specifies the local number of the corresponding section. For example, section 1.2.4 has local number 4. Note that the text may not be only an integer number but also for example Latin letter or Roman number.

Attribute locale

Specifies the language of the corresponding section.

Attribute show

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