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A container corresponding to all definitions of the indexEntrys of a document.
Parents: document
Content: indexEntry*
One record of the index section of a document, defining one concept. The record may consist of one or more alternative entries defined using the element child element. Optionally, a glossary definition may be provided in a glossary element.
Parents: userIndex
Attributes: id
Content: currentMaster? lastMaster? element+ glossary? target(indexEntry)*
Defines one of alternative names for concept defined in enclosing indexEntry. The name may consist of several components, from the most important to the less important ones, such as graph – connected. Each component is defined by separate paragraph in p(indexEntryElement).
Parents: indexEntry lastMaster currentMaster
Content: p(indexEntryElement)+
Defines one component of an index entry element. Since it is of type p, it may contain arbitrary inline material.
Parents: element
Mixed Content: (inline | paragraphFragment)*
Glossary definition associated with an indexEntry.
Parents: indexEntry
Content: block*
This is a reference from styleElement to indexEntry. This link ensures that the referencing style element is mentioned in the generated index section. Note that there should be a corresponding reverse link in the target indexEntry element, defined using the target(indexEntry) element.
Parents: styleElement
Attributes: id
Reference from styleElement to indexEntry, similar to indexEntryRef. While the indexEntryRef association is not visible in the document, the glossaryRef association provides text corresponding to the primary indexEntry textual representation. This may be used, for example, to create hyperlinks among glossary definitions.
Parents: paragraphFragment p
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef?
Specification of one target of the enclosing indexEntry. The target provides three identifiers: the identifier of the actual target id, the identifier of its innermost enclosing section innerId, and the identifier of its innermost section having file. As a content, the element contains paragraph material corresponding to the fragment in the neighborhood of the target element. The actual target element is enclosed in the <span class="o"></span> element. Note that each target instance has corresponding indexEntryRef instance.
Parents: indexEntry
Attributes: id outerId innerId title(indexEntryTarget)
Mixed Content: (inline | paragraphFragment)*
For localized document, specifies the associated master index entry, corresponding to the current translation of this entry. If this entry is up to date, the last master is equal to the currentMaster, and thus the lastMaster element is omitted. If the two fields differ, it indicates that this translation is out of date and needs to be updated. The difference of the current master and the last master may be displayed to the user as a hint for translation.
Parents: indexEntry
Content: element+
For localized document, specifies the associated master index entry, in its last known version. This field is updated each time the localized document is updated with the master.
Parents: indexEntry
Content: element+
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