Next: 5 Package paragraph Up: RichDoc Framework XML Format Specification Previous: 3 Package style
This is class of elements that may be used wherever block elements are expected, such as paragraphs, lists or tables. There is no assumption about children of this element.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef?
This class prescribes that children of this element are of class block, that is paragraphs, lists, tables etc. There is no assumption about the parent of this element, that is, it may be used in various contexts. Examples of direct subclasses are list items or table cells, which may contain block material, but themselves must be used within special contexts (lists or table rows).
Content: block*
Element that is both block and blockContainer.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? block*
Generic block element, something like HTML's div element. It may be used e.g. to create variants using the class mechanism.
Parents: box linDim blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? block*
Document section. Sections define hierarchical structure of a document. Note that parent of a section may be only another section, or the document, which is parent of the root section. There may be only one root section. Note that if this section has subsections, they must be the last block children.
Parents: document section note
Attributes: showInToc hasNumber class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? explicitTitle? title? block* section*
A LaTeX-like floating block. It has two primary functions:
Note that this element is expected to contain exactly two block children: the title (which must be always the first child, even if it is displayed below the second child), and the actual contained material. The contained material, however, may be a page containing more elements, e.g. a sequence of paragraphs.
The type of the floating is usually indicated by the class attribute, which is usually table or figure. This information is used to correctly update the table and figure counters.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? title block
This is block element representing regular document paragraphs.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Mixed Content: style? indexEntryRef? (inline | paragraphFragment)*
A variant of paragraph that preserves white spaces, and is usually (not necessarily) associated with fixed width font. Note that in RichDoc framework, unlike HTML, even regular paragraph p preserves whitespace.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Mixed Content: style? indexEntryRef? (inline | paragraphFragment)*
Horizontal rule.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef?
Table of contents page. This element has no children, it is only placeholder for the table of contents material. The table of contents is constructed dynamically when document is built from XML source, and is not written back to the XML.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: level hasNumber class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef?
Index page. This element has no children, it is only placeholder for the index material. The index is constructed dynamically when document is built from XML source, and is not written back to the XML.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: hasNumber class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef?
Bibliography page. This element has no children, it is only placeholder for the bibliography material. The bibliography is constructed dynamically when document is built from XML source, and is not written back to the XML.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: hasNumber class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef?
Glossary page. This element has no children, it is only placeholder for the glossary material. The glossary is constructed dynamically when document is built from XML source, and is not written back to the XML.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: hasNumber class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef?
A group block element. It is used to group together several displayedMath equations, to provide single major number and sequential minor numbers.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? block*
Special block element that rotates its content 90 degrees counter-clockwise. Note that it provides no wrapping mechanism, so the contained material gets maximum possible width. It is useful for example for table row headings.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? block*
A paragraph that is considered a title of the enclosing titled element. It is displayed as normal paragraph (perhaps with special style), and besides is used for various bookkeeping operations, such as building table of contents or list of figures. Note that the enclosing element may have at most one title child, which must be the first block element.
Attributes: class id userId language
Mixed Content: style? indexEntryRef? (inline | paragraphFragment)*
A table. It has very similar semantics to HTML tables, i.e. it contains cells in td(array) elements, which are organized in rows in tr(table) elements. The cells may span rows and/or columns. Note that unlike HTML, there is a requirement that the table structure is consistent. The following requirements must be fulfilled:
Figure 1 shows examples of violations of these rules.
![]() |
Figure 1 Violations of Table Structure Requirements |
Parents: tabBox blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? tr(table)+
Definition of a row of a table or array. It is a list of cells (td elements) that start in this row, but may span also to rows below this row.
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef?
Parents: table
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? td(table)+
Definition of table or array cell. The cell may span several columns or rows, as defined by the colspan and rowspan attributes.
Attributes: rowspan colspan class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef?
Parents: tr(table)
Attributes: horizontalAlignment verticalAlignment valign fill rowspan colspan class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? block*
Different types of lists, that are used to contain items defined in li elements.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? li+
Unordered list, which marks its items with equal symbols.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? li+
Ordered list, which marks its items by a sequence of symbols, such as Arabic numbers, Roman numbers, letters of Latin or Greek alphabet, etc.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? li+
List that marks its items with checked or unchecked boxes.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? li+
An item of ordered, unordered or todo list. The checked status of todo list item is usually indicated by setting the class to done.
Parents: list
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? block*
A HTML-like definition list. It consist of series of definition terms defined using dt element, and definition descriptions, defined using dd element. Although in most cases these two elements alternate, there is no such requirement; you may, for example, use two terms followed by single definition.
Parents: blockContainer
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? (dt | dd)+
Term item of a definition list defined using the dl element. It is of type paragraph, so it may contain inline elements.
Parents: dl
Attributes: class id userId language
Mixed Content: style? indexEntryRef? (inline | paragraphFragment)*
Description item of definition list. It may contain block material.
Parents: dl
Attributes: class id userId language
Content: style? indexEntryRef? block*
This attribute may be used to prevent section showing in table of contents. By default, all sections show in the table of contents.
Specifies how many rows are occupied by enclosing td cell. The default is 1.
Specifies how many columns are occupied by enclosing td cell. The default is 1.
Specifies the weight of this cell when a group of cells should be enlarged. Assume that cells c1 , c2 , ... , cn have total width W, and we want them to have them some larger width W + Δ. In such case, the width of each cell is enlarged by the amount of , where ωi is the fill weight of the i–th cell, and
. If all cells have zero weight, i.e. Ω = 0, we assume that ωi = 1 for each i. The default value of this attribute is 0.
The need for enlargement occurs for example when we force full width of the table, or if we have group of cells that are in column with column-spanning cell requiring more room.
Next: 5 Package paragraph Up: RichDoc Framework XML Format Specification Previous: 3 Package style