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6 Package math

Class mathBox

Class of elements that form mathematic formulas. The basic property is that they may appear as children of mathContainers.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Class mathContainer

Class of elements that may contain mathBoxes. There is no assumption about parents of these elements.

Content: mathBox*

Class mathParentBox

Class of elements that are both mathBoxes and mathContainers.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? mathBox*

Class mathText

Class of mathBoxes that provide text with various semantics, such as numbers, variables, constants, vectors etc.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element math

Inline equation, which may be placed in a paragraph.

Parents: paragraphFragment p

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? mathBox*

Element displayedMath

This block element represents a “displayed” math, that is, mathematic formula that is typeset within the full width of the display, and is separated by vertical space from its neighborhood. It consists by one or more rows, each defining one visual row of the formula (e.g. one equation).

Parents: blockContainer

Attributes: numberPerRow numbered hasNumber class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? ((row | p(displayedMath))* | math(displayed))

Element row

One row of a displayedMath block. The contained material may be aligned using the tab and glue elements.

Parents: displayedMath

Attributes: hasNumber class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? mathBox*

Element p(displayedMath)

Paragraph interleaved with rows of enclosing displayedMath. May be useful to insert paragraph material into existing displayedMath without interrupting it, to preserve numbering or alignment.

Parents: displayedMath

Attributes: class id userId language

Mixed Content: (inline | paragraphFragment | indexEntryRef | style)*

Element tab

Defines position that should be aligned to certain horizontal position for all rows of displayedMath. The alignment attribute specifies how the material before the tab is aligned to the tab.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: alignment class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element glue

Under construction.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element op

Mathematical operator. The type is defined using the text attribute. For valid values see Operators and Symbols in RichDoc User Manual.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element sym

Mathematical symbol. The type is defined using the text attribute. For valid values see Operators and Symbols in RichDoc User Manual.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element hspace

Horizontal space used in math typesetting.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: name(hspace) negative repeat class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element frac

A fraction, consisting of numerator and denominator parts, such as [inline math].

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? num(numerator) den

Element num(numerator)

Numerator part of a fraction.

Parents: frac

Content: mathBox*

Element den

Denominator part of a fraction.

Parents: frac

Content: mathBox*

Element script

A script symbol with optional subscript in sub element and superscript in sup element, the main body being in the body element. For example, x1, xn, or x1^2.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? body? sub? sup?

Element body

The body part of certain compound mathematical constructs.

Parents: script sum sqrt comp verticalFence stackrel

Content: mathBox*

Element sub

Subscript part of a script or comp boxes.

Parents: script sum comp

Content: mathBox*

Element sup

Superscript part of a script or comp boxes.

Parents: script sum comp

Content: mathBox*

Element sqrt

Radical symbol, consisting of a body and an optional root, for example, [inline math].

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? root? body?

Element root

The root part of the sqrt symbol.

Parents: sqrt

Content: mathBox*

Element verticalFence

A vertical fence structure, consisting of body, and optional top and bottom.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: bottom top class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? body top? bottom?

Element top

The top part of the stackrel or verticalFence structures.

Parents: verticalFence stackrel

Content: mathBox*

Element bottom

Bottom part of verticalFence.

Parents: verticalFence

Content: mathBox*

Element stackrel

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? body top

Element comp

One of a number of mathematical structures having subscript, superscript and body, such as sums, limits, integrals, etc. The type of the structure is defined using the type(comp) attribute.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: type(comp) class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? sub? sup? body?

Element mpar

A paragraph embedded in math structure.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Mixed Content: style? indexEntryRef? (inline | paragraphFragment)*

Element fence

A fence structure, i.e. structure enclosed in parentheses, brackets, curly brackets etc. The type of left and right fence symbol is specified using the start and end attributes. By default, the fence size scales automatically to accommodate the enclosed material. This may be overridden using the size(fence) attribute.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: start end size(fence) class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? mathBox*

Element not

Not structure, which represents a negation of the operator that is put inside it. For instance, if the operator [inline math] is put inside the not box, it shows up as [inline math].

Parents: math mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? mathBox*

Element over

An over structure, such as [inline math], [inline math], [inline math] etc. The type is defined by the type(over) attribute.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: type(over) class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? mathBox*

Element array

A mathBox representing rectangular structures like vectors or matrices. It has similar structure as the table element.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? tr(array)+

Element tr(array)

An array row (tr).

Parents: array

Attributes: class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? td(array)+

Element td(array)

An array cell (td).

Parents: tr(array)

Attributes: rowspan colspan class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef? mathBox*

Element var

mathText box with variable semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element num(number)

mathText box with number semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element fun

mathText box with function semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element vec

mathText box with vector semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element const

mathText box with constant semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element dim

mathText box with dimension semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element mat

mathText box with matrix semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element dom

mathText box with domain semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element mathSf

mathText box with generic sans-serif semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Element mtext

mathText box with generic text semantics.

Parents: mathContainer

Attributes: text class id userId language

Content: style? indexEntryRef?

Attribute numberPerRow

Specifies whether the enclosing displayedMath assigns separate numbers to its rows (if set to true), or if it gets one number collectively (the default).

Attribute alignment

Specifies how the material left to this tab is aligned to this tab. Valid values are left (extra space is between the material and this tab) and right (extra space is between previous tab or the beginning of the equation, and the material), see Figure 2.

previous tabs
left-aligning tab
right-aligning tab
[end of picture]

Figure 2 Tabs

Attribute text

Attribute name(hspace)

Specifies the amount of horizontal space of the hspace element. Valid values are thin for 1/16 of the cell size, med for 1/8 of the cell size, thick for 1/4 of the cell size, and quad for 100% of the cell size.

Attribute negative

Whether the enclosing hspace is positive (the default) or negative.

Attribute repeat

Increases the base size of the enclosing hspace by this factor. The default value is 1.

Attribute type(comp)

Specifies the type of the comp structure.

Attribute start

Specifies the type of the opening fence symbol. If omitted, there is no opening fence symbol. Valid values are:

( (
{ {
[ [
| |
langle [inline math]
lfloor [inline math]
lceil [inline math]

Attribute end

Specifies the type of the closing fence symbol. If omitted, there is no closing fence symbol. Valid values are:

) )
} }
] ]
| |
rangle [inline math]
rfloor [inline math]
rceil [inline math]

Attribute size(fence)

Specifies the size of the fence symbols. By default, the fence symbols scale automatically with the enclosed material. You may specify fixed fence size by specifying one of the fixed size values, see below.

Attribute type(over)

Specifies the type of the enclosing over box.

Attribute bottom

Attribute top

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